Gloreha Sinfonia

The Gloreha Sinfonia is a powered robotic rehabilitation glove for the mobilization of the fingers. It is meant to be utilized in a clinical setting as a supplementary tool for hand physical rehabilitation.


The Gloreha Sinfonia is a powered tethered exoskeleton glove designed for neuromuscular rehabilitation of the hand and fingers. It is intended to help patients to regain hand mobility using motor control re-education. The robotic glove can mobilize the fingers in both flexion and extension.

The Gloreha Sinfonia can be used independently or as a part of a full rehabilitation solution. Gloreha also offers a custom table, spring-loaded anti-gravity supports, and software that tracks parameters, performance, and adds games and engagement to the repetitive physical rehabilitation routines.

The exoskeleton glove itself comes in six sizes and includes pediatric applications (something that we don’t see very often). Combining all the peripheral tools into the Gloreha Sinfonia Plus a patient can perform:

  • active-assisted mobilizations
  • hand interactive games
  • wrist and arm interactive games
  • functional exercise with and without weight compensation

From a motion control point of view, the Gloreha Sinfonia detects the voluntary active motion based on residual motor skills. The system can be used on one hand at a time or both hands. The ultimate goal is for patients to have significant hands-on practice with objects and activities of daily living. Training tasks include “fist grasp, digital pinch, tridigital pinch, bilateral grasp.”

We encourage you to visit the developer’s website which has a wealth of educational material dedicated to this physical rehabilitation solution.

Gloreha IDROGENET s.r.l. via Monsuello 246 25065 Lumezzane (BS) Italy, website

Exoskeleton Report does not endorse one exoskeleton product over another.  The exoskeleton catalog is purely for educational purposes.  The catalog is meant to provide an easily accessible birds-eye view of the exoskeleton industry, and a quick method to sort exoskeletons by type and purpose.  All prices are approximate and are meant to provide a general sense of the cost of the devices.

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