Add Wearable Devices to the ExR Exoskeleton Catalog

Commercial Exoskeletons Catalog CategoriesCommercial Exoskeletons Catalog Categories

Hello, this is a form to add an exoskeleton device to the Exoskeleton Report (ExR) Exoskeleton Catalog. None of the fields are mandatory. Please, enter as much information as you can and the ExR team will fill in the rest. The Exoskeleton Catalog provides a visual overview of the exo technology field and can be found here. We also have a short article outlining the target audience and the rationale behind this effort: Introduction to the Commercial Exoskeletons Catalog. The Exoskeleton Report team will review your entry before it gets published on the website.

    Contact Name:

    Contact e-mail:

    Device Name:

    Link to Website with product information:

    Developer's company name:

    Short description of the exoskeleton (one to three sentences):

    Long description of the exoskeleton:

    Exoskeleton Category, check all that apply:

    Actuated Body Area (choose one)

    Application (check all that apply)

    Type (choose one)

    Certifications and/or 3rd party testing results:

    Regions and or countries where the exoskeleton can be purchased?

    Links to relevant studies or journal papers that may feature this exoskeleton?

    Links to testimonials, independently produced videos by users or integrators, etc...:

    Units sold to date or installation site (reminder, all fields are optional):

    Price range (this information will not be published but you can share it with the ExR team if you so choose to):

    Links to any user and integration documents or training programs:

    Exoskeleton characteristics:

    Weight of the device:

    Supplied power or torque:

    Limited to users who are (age, weight, height, etc...)

    Any other information that you may want to include:

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