
The Edge by Skelex is a fabric-elastic-based exosuit meant to support the lower back during repetitive forward-bending tasks.

It differs from some of its counterparts in that the leg straps extend below the knees. In 2024, there are clearly two camps of thinking on this issue: straps at the thighs vs. straps below the knees.


The Edge by Skelex is a workplace safety and productivity exosuit. It, therefore, can fall under a “tool” or “personal protective equipment, PPE,” depending on your point of view. Its primary purpose is to support the user’s back. When a person bends forward repeatedly, they create a moment arm across their spine. The Edge is designed to offset some of the torque, reducing the back muscle strain and the spine’s compression forces. This is a lightweight, passive/elastic-driven wearable.

With the release of this new product in March 2024, Skelex announced that ten employees within Coca-Cola Euriopacific Partners Paris have already been testing the Edge for over one month. (source)


  • Weight:0.25 kg (0.55 lb)
  • Meant to offload the spine by 15%
  • Potential to reduce back muscle loading by 40%
  • Integrated knee pads
  • One-size fits all
  • Goal of reducing of cutting the strain of lifting by a fifth

Skelex, Saturnusstraat 95, 2516 AG, The Hague, website

Exoskeleton Report does not endorse one exoskeleton product over another. The exoskeleton catalog is purely for educational purposes. It is meant to provide an easily accessible bird’ s-eye view of the industry and a quick method for sorting exoskeletons by type and purpose. All prices are approximate and are meant to provide a general sense of the devices’ cost.

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