The CarrySuit is an unpowered wearable device for occupational ergonomic assistance. It consists of a rigid exoskeleton frame, spanning the user’s hip to above the shoulders. The exoskeleton can further connect to an external load via a cable adapter.
The CarrySuit is designed to transfer the weight of the load handled by a worker to their hips, partially bypassing injury-prone joints like the spine, shoulders, elbow, and wrists. In addition to providing injury protection, using the exoskeleton could also result in reducing the strain of the associated muscle groups in the arms, shoulder, and torso. Preliminary heart rate and muscle activity testing show a positive association between wearing the wearable and reduced stress and strain on the user’s body.
The target demographic for the CarrySuit is:
- construction
- logistics
- warehouse
- movers and installers
The CarrySuit comes in several variations to ensure effectiveness for the applied application.
This wearable is scheduled to become available in Q2 2021. Visit the company’s website for more information and details.
It has been a long time since there has been an occupational exoskeleton with a cord extension to help secure objects or provide additional leverage to the user’s arms. Customer feedback, ease of use, and the perceived comfort level will play a critical role in user adoption for this wearable device.
Auxivo AG, Sonnenbergstrasse 72, 8603 Schwerzenbach, Switzerland, website
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Exoskeleton Report does not endorse one exoskeleton product over another. The exoskeleton catalog is purely for educational purposes. The catalog is meant to provide an easily accessible birds-eye view of the exoskeleton industry, and a quick method to sort exoskeletons by type and purpose. All prices are approximate and are meant to provide a general sense of the cost of the devices.
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