ASTM International
Webinar: Exoskeleton and PPE Interface Challenges Roundtable
OnlineThe Exo Technology Center of Excellence (ET CoE) with the support of ASTM International will host a second roundtable on the vital topic of integrating occupational exoskeletons with other personal protective equipment (PPE). Industrial exoskeletons don't exist in a vacuum and they often have to interact not only with the user but with other optional […]
Webinar: Applications for Exoskeletons
OnlineASTM International Exo Technology Center of Excellence (ET CoE) is hosting a webinar on Applications for Exoskeletons on Tuesday, August 31st, 9:00 am ET - 11:00 am ET. Exoskeleton technology for the sake of having a new technology wouldn't be very useful. This webinar aims to explore the current applications of exoskeletons and where the […]
Symposium on Medical Devices of the Future
Sheraton New Orlens Hotel 500 Canal St,, New Orleans, LA, United StatesASTM International's committees E08 on Fatigue and Fracture, F04 on Medical and Surgical Materials and Devices, and F48 on Exoskeletons and Exosuits are proud to announce a joint Symposium on Medical Devices of the Future - What’s Needed for Fatigue, Fracture Resistance, and Durability in Transportation, Medical Devices, and Exoskeletons. The symposium will be held on Tuesday […]
Webinar: Buy America for Exoskeletons by ASTM International
OnlineASTM International is proud to host the webinar titled Buy America: Domestic Preferences for Exoskeleton Procurements. This webinar could be vital and informative for exoskeleton producers, suppliers, and investors if they have any aspirations to sell wearables to the US government. It is cumbersome, but those wishing to engage in sales with US government agencies may […]
11th F48 Meeting, Spring 2023 ASTM Committee Week
Sheraton, Denver, Colordo Denver, CO, United StatesThe 11th ASTM International Committee F48 on Exoskeletons and Exosuits will be held in conjunction with ASTM committee week this April in Denver, Colorado. This meeting will take face-to-face, without a hybrid component for members to join remotely. By hosting the meeting during Committee Week, F48 members will have the opportunity to connect and interact […]
Exo Games 2023
University of Central Lancashire, Lancashire, UK Lancashire, United KingdomThe first-ever Exo Games will bring together STEM university student teams in a friendly head-to-head competition for wearable technology and ingenuity at the University of Central Lancashire, England. The event is planned for August 15-17, 2023. As of March 2023, there are seven teams registered from five different countries (US, UK, Brazil, Belgium, and India). […]
12th F48 Meeting, Fall 2023
University of Central Lancashire, Lancashire, UK Lancashire, United KingdomThe 12th ASTM International Committee F48 on Exoskeletons and Exosuits Fall 2023 meeting is scheduled for September 13-15, 2023. The planned location for the meeting is the University of Central Lancashire, Lancashire, UK. Non-committee members are welcome to attend the meeting in person, but registering in advance will be appreciated. Unfortunately, the meeting won't be […]
13th Meeting of Committee F48 on Exoskeletons
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, 1201 Market St, Philadelphia, PA , United StatesDates: April 10-12, 2024 Location: Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, 1201 Market St, Philadelphia, PA About: The April 2024 Committee Week features the 13th meeting of ASTM Committee F48 on Exoskeletons and Exosuits, formed to develop consensus standards for exoskeletons and exosuits. This committee addresses safety, quality, performance, ergonomics, and terminology throughout the product's life cycle, covering […]
14th Meeting of Committee F48 on Exoskeletons
Renaissance Orlando at Seaworld, 6677 Sea Harbor Drive, Orlando, Florida , United StatesDates: Monday, December 10, 2024 - Thursday December 12, 2024 This December, the meeting will be held virtually. Particular emphasis will likely be given to terminology. Join committee F48 on Exoskeletons and Exosuits (link below) for more information and to participate. Location: Renaissance Orlando at Seaworld, 6677 Sea Harbor Drive, Orlando, Florida / Virtual About: […]