
Human in Motion, which has offices in Canada and Korea, is designing the XoMotion. It is envisioned as a completely autonomous lower-body power exoskeleton that simulates natural movement and requires no additional balancing aids.


The XoMotion by Human in Motion Robotics is intended for ambulatory training for spinal cord injury (SCI) patients. It is a fully powered hip-knee-ankle exoskeleton with additional hip and ankle actuators that allow the system to remain stable, turn, and shift weight.

The Atalante is a tool for physical therapy. It is meant to be highly adjustable and applicable for various stages of physical rehabilitation, re-mobilization, and exercises, as well as to combat secondary complications from paralysis and constant sitting.

The design intent:

  • Hands-free, no need for crutches or a walker
  • For users 5’0″ to 6’4″ in height, up to 220 lb
  • Programming to navigate obstacles and provide a more natural gait
  • Market approval for sale in Canada


Well done coverage by CBC British Columbia:

Human in Motion Robotics, Unit 520, 369 Terminal Ave., Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6A 4C4, Canada, website

Exoskeleton Report does not endorse one exoskeleton product over another.  The exoskeleton catalog is purely for educational purposes.  The catalog is meant to provide an easily accessible birds-eye view of the exoskeleton industry, and a quick method to sort exoskeletons by type and purpose.  All prices are approximate and are meant to provide a general sense of the cost of the devices.

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