NX-A2 is marketed as a collaborative robot with an integrated computer that utilizes virtual technology. Its design specifications include:
1. Arm loading and unloading burden training
2. Performance feedback
3. Assessment tools & export functionality
4. Targeted training
This exoskeleton is meant for patients undergoing physical therapy to regain arm function. It may be most beneficial for those who suffer from upper limb hemiplegia and dysfunction or for those who need upper limb rehabilitation due to nervous system diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, serious traumatic brain injury, surgery, stroke, Parkinson’s, cerebral thrombosis, etc.
- Sensors: 9
- Assistive grip force: 0 – 10 N
- CE Certified
- Comes with 25 base therapy games
User Specifications:
- Upper arm length: 22 – 31 cm
- Lower arm length: 24 – 40 cm
- Arm height: 98 -138 cm
Guangzhou YiKing Medical Equipment Industrial CO . LTD Powerd, website; Website for outside of the Chinese market:
Exoskeleton Report does not endorse one exoskeleton product over another. The exoskeleton catalog is purely for educational purposes. It is meant to provide an easily accessible bird’s-eye view of the industry and a quick method for sorting exoskeletons by type and purpose. All prices are approximate and are meant to provide a general sense of the devices’ cost.
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