The CDYS is a wearable shoulder support exoskeleton for tasks that require continuous or repetitive arm lifting. Similar to other shoulder-support passive exoskeletons it is worn with the intent of reducing fatigue and the risk of musculoskeletal disorders.
The CDYS weighs 2.4kg (5.3lb) and includes weight reducing materials like carbon fiber. It is made of two main parts, the exoskeleton (which by itself comes to less than 2kg) and a custom, breathable vest which acts as an interface between the wearable device and the user. It is best suited for individuals from 165cm to 195cm in height (5’5″ to 6’4″). It can be adjusted to seven different support levels.
The design intent is for the weight of the CDYS to be transferred to the belt a the waist and avoid loading the spine. Indeed, the R&D team seems to take this very seriously as the passive spring system is clipped to the belt around the waist with only two cables connecting to the shoulders.
Another innovation of the CDYS that distinguishes it from its counterparts is the reduction of mechanisms between the shoulder and the elbow with an ASB: anti-sliding belt.
Visit the official product website which includes a wealth of additional information.
DL Crimson Dynamics Technology Co., Ltd. Building 2. Room 906, No.32 Huoju Road, High-tech Zone, Dalian, China – website
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