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Webinar: Assessing Paexo Shoulder Exoskeleton Efficiency to Reduce Physical Workload
September 21, 2021 @ 7:00 am - 8:00 am PDT
FreeThe Wearable Robotics Association (WearRA) will host a free webinar this September 21, 2021, from 7 am to 10 am Pacific Time. The webinar will focus on the Paexo Shoulder exoskeleton by Ottobock. The primary goal of the webinar will be to present study details from the EU-founded “AnDy Project.” The project investigated the efficiency of using the Paexo Shoulder to reduce physical workload in dynamic and static overhead work tasks. For the purposes of this study, “static” overhead tasks are likely ones that require the user to have their arms raised for continuous amounts of time vs one that has repeating motion from hip level to above the head (imagine painting something above you like a car chassis on a production line vs. attaching multiple items one a time overhead).
The scheduled presenters include Pauline Maurice (INRIA, France); Pavel Galibarov (AnyBody Technology, Denmark); Lars Fritzsche (imk automotive, Germany); and Jonas Bornmann (Ottobock, Germany):
- Pauline Maurice (INRIA, France) will explain the methods and results of a comprehensive laboratory study with 12 participants investigating the effects of exoskeleton use on motion precision, muscle activity (measured with sEMG), metabolic effort (oxygen consumption, heart rate), and subjective workload (by NASA TLX).
- Pavel E. Galibarov (AnyBody Technology, Denmark) and Lars Fritzsche (imk automotive, Germany) will show results of a biomechanical simulation study conducted based on the data collected during the first lab study to analyze the effects of exoskeleton use on muscle activity and joint forces in the shoulder, back and hip area. The lab study and simulation study outcomes are compared and summarized to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the Paexo Shoulder.
- Jonas Bornmann (Ottobock, Germany) will show how study results can help generate implications for future developments and practical use cases for the Paexo Shoulder.
Even though the study is focused specifically on the Paexo Shoulder, it is more than likely that the results will be relevant to other passive shoulder support exoskeletons and occupational exoskeletons for work and industry as a whole.
For more information and registration please visit: https://wra5.wildapricot.org/event-4441571
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