HAL® For Living Support Single Joint Type is a single motor unit that can be attached to the knee or elbow that weight 1.5 kg (3.3 lb).  The unit comes with a custom palm hand controller.  Similar to the larger HAL, the unit is controlled with BES (bioelectrical signals).  The motor unit has 120 degrees of maximum rotation.
CYBERDYNE, 〒305-0818, 2-2-1, Gakuen-Minami, Tsukuba, Ibaraki Prefecture, 305-0818, Japan, website
More information on HAL and the company behind it can be found in our previous CYBERDYNE articles.
Exoskeleton Report does not endorse one exoskeleton product over another. Â The exoskeleton catalog is purely for educational purposes. Â The catalog is meant to provide an easily accessible birds-eye view of the exoskeleton industry, and a quick method to sort exoskeletons by type and purpose. Â All prices are approximate and are meant to provide a general sense of the cost of the devices.
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