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Gogoa is a Spanish organization focused on rehabilitation robotics.
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GOGOA Mobility Robots "is a society located in Urola Garaia (Urretxu), that designs and manufactures wearable robotics to assist and rehabilitate the movement capacity of people with Acquired Brain Damage (ABD) or Spinal Cord Injuries and to increase the movement performance of humans (rescue services , firefighters, workers under special conditions, …)."

GOGOA's origin is based on a "license of the Cajal Institut (CSIC). And with the collaboration of Toledo National Paraplegics Hospital."

Recently Gogoa has ventured into industrial exoskeletons under a spin-off, Cyber Human Systems.

Under the new brand, Cyber has launched 4 exoskeletons for different activities, including a hip support active exoskeleton (Aldak active), Aldak for lumbar support,  Besk G to support overhead working activities and Besk B to support horizontal and over table displacements.
Related to Sport exoskeletons, GOGOA has launched a new company in 2019, Levier exo S.L. to attend this market.  In December 2019, the company officially presentation its ski and snowboard exoskeleton in Formigal ski resort in the Pyrenees, the XNOWERS SKI AND SNOWBOARD EXOSKELETON.
Business Website Address
Traña-Matiena (Bizkaia), Spain
Year Company Founded
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