Business Technology

Behind the Scenes: an Interview with the Exosekeleton Report

Behind The Scenes of Making and Interview About Exoskeletons

If you are into exoskeleton technology, you may have recently seen a few highly polished educational videos with me circling the web. They were popular on LinkedIn, and one was even played in front of me at the recent ASTM International Exo Technology Exo Games (thank you, & New Stone Soup, for sponsoring me to go there). The videos were an attempt by my good friend and professional videographer Daniel Walker (see: to spread the word that practical wearable technology exists and is ready both for more users and investors.

Daniel Walker preparing for an interview with ExR

It all began on a sunny California day (are there other types of California days!?) with hauling an entire piece of equipment and transforming the kitchen into a filming studio. Extension cords, boom mike, reflectors, lights, and cameras filled the room, making it look more like a Borg Cube (for those into Star Trek) than a living space. The raw footage then went through meticulous editing and even received financial support from the Wearable Robotics Association: (thank you, Prof. Thomas “Tom” Sugar)!

If you have missed it, you can see the finished product below:

One minute concise overview of Military/Defense exoskeleton technology.

A short segment on the intersection between exoskeletons, exosuits, wearable robotics, and artificial intelligence (AI).

What are exoskeletons, how interdisciplinary is the field, and the tug of war between practical solutions and science fiction?


Special thanks to Daniel Walker for taking the initiative to conduct, record, and edit this interview. See more of his excellent work at

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