
ErgoX Symposium on Exoskeletons Scheduled to be Held the Day Prior to the 63rd HFES International Annual Meeting

ErgoX 2019 Modified

The second-ever ErgoX Symposium on exoskeletons and exosuits will be held on Monday, October 28, 2019, the day before the 63rd International Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES).  The ErgoX Symposium is a full-day educational event split into two tracks: exoskeletons and augmented reality.  ErgoX will be held at the Washington State Convention Center in Seattle, Washington and will be followed up by the second face-to-face meeting for ASTM Committee F48 on Exoskeletons.

The goal of the ErgoX Symposium will be to:

  • Provide an update on human factors, safety and ergonomics research methods for exoskeletons
  • Highlight standards and technology on exoskeletons
  • Inform and educate stakeholders (designers, users, and researchers) about exoskeleton types, applications, and their potential to reduce injury and increase human performance (productivity, quality, etc.)

Augmented reality and wearable robotics are an excellent mix.  Augmented reality can benefit from haptic feedback and force feedback that exoskeletons can produce on demand to make the visual experience more realistic.  Exoskeletons can benefit from augmented reality to produce greater user engagement.

The ErgoX Symposium exoskeleton track has over a dozen and a half registered speakers.  The list includes developers, early adopters, evaluators, ergonomists, physical therapists, and professors.  There are several centuries worth of experience with exo technology between these presenters (see the full list on the HFES2019 website).

In addition to the presentations, ErgoX will feature exhibition space as well as a test area for wearable robotics.  As of publication, there are already six companies with exo related technology in their portfolio that will be on the floor.

The event coincides with both the HFES annual meeting as well as the ASTM F48 face-to-face meeting. This is done by design in order to maximize attendee’s time while minimizing travel.

Want to know more?  Visit:

ErgoX – Workplace solutions for all levels of experience and work settings, HFES2019, as accessed on July 29, 2019,

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