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Webinar: Exoskeletons and Ergonomics: Past, Present, and Future

November 11, 2021 @ 9:00 am - 10:30 am PST

Webinar- Exoskeletons and Ergonomics- Past Present

“There is no doubt that ergonomics has made a significant impact on the safety and wellbeing of workers across the globe. For decades there have been reductions in work related musculoskeletal disorders as a result of the hard work and passion of safety and ergonomics professionals. Unfortunately, certain types of injuries persist for workers who perform physically demanding jobs where there simply are no feasible ergonomic solutions to reduce the risk they face each day. Occupational exoskeleton and exosuit technologies have been emerging for the past decade and we are beginning to see them implemented on a larger scale than ever before with the goals of reducing injuries and turnover, while improving performance and quality of life. This presentation will cover where exoskeletons and exosuits fit within a comprehensive safety and ergonomics program, a brief review of the history of these devices, where they currently stand today, and what the future might look like for workers in need of support and assistance from exoskeletons and exosuits. ”

Nov. 11, 2 p.m. EDT
Presenter: Matthew Marino

Details and registration: https://www.iise.org/AEC/details.aspx?id=32856

This is a FREE webinar about exoskeletons in ergonomics from the Applied Ergonomics Society and the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers.


Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers & UC Ergonomics Research & Graduate Training Program

The presenter, Matt Marinov (LinkedIn) is a specialist in ergonomics, sports rehabilitation, and the evaluation and implementation of exoskeleton technology. He is a frequent speaker at exoskeleton events and always approaches topics from a practical, hands-on point of view.


November 11, 2021
9:00 am - 10:30 am PST
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