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September 17, 2020 - September 18, 2020

Cybathlon Symposium 2020 via Twitter

CYBATHLON Symposium in New Interactive Virtual Format on 17–18 September 2020, as kick-off into the CYBATHLON 2020

In view of the current international situation we have decided to organise the CYBATHLON and CYBATHLON Symposium 2020 in a new global format, mixing virtual and physical races and events. After consulting with CYBATHLON teams and Symposium keynote speakers, this decision was reached jointly with ETH Zurich and the CYBATHLON Organising Committee. The CYBATHLON Organising Committee is working intensively on a new global format scheduled for autumn 2020, and further information will follow shortly via the CYBATHLON channels.

As a kick-off into this new CYBATHLON era, the CYBATHLON Symposium will take place according to the initially planned program, but in a new, entirely virtual format with a special focus on maintaining interactivity during talks, posters/demos and the podium session. To better comply with time differences among participants, it will take place over two days on 17–18 September 2020.

We are also excited to inform you that taking advantage of this change imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, participation to the virtual CYBATHLON Symposium will be made free, in order to make it accessible to a larger public, and especially to students. We will contact those of you who already paid the registration fee for a reimbursement over the next weeks. More information will soon be available on our website

We thank all our partners, speakers and registered participants for their understanding and their continuous inspiration for moving people and technology together.

We are looking forward to a reimagined and exciting CYBATHLON and CYBATHLON Symposium 2020! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Roger Gassert and Olivier Lambercy
CYBATHLON Symposium 2020 Co-Chairs”

Program (tentative as of August 6th, 2020):

CYBATHLON Symposium 2020 Day 1, September 17, 2020

All Times CEST

Time Programme
13h00–13h10 Welcome address, including welcome message by Stavros Niarchos Foundation
13h15–13h55 Amit Goffer, PhD (UPnRIDE Robotics Ltd., Israel)
Upright Rolling with a Robotic Power Wheelchair (KEYNOTE)
14h00–14h15 Short Talk 1: Diego Paez-Granados (EPFL, Switzerland)
Materializing personal standing mobility from design to shared control
14h20–15h00 Vance Bergeron, PhD (École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France)
Functional Electrical Stimulation Cycling: an Electrifying Sport (KEYNOTE)
15h05–15h20 Short Talk 2: Sebastian Tobler (Bern University of Applied Science, Switzerland)
Recumbent trike with epidural electrical stimulation
15h25–16h05 Robert Griffin, PhD (Florida Institute for Human & Machine Cognition, USA)
A decade of IHMC’s powered exoskeleton research and development (KEYNOTE)
16h10–16h25 Talk 3: Giada Devittori (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Gait analysis of ambulation on even and uneven ground with a stiff or compliant exoskeleton
16h30–16h45 Short Talk 4: Jemina Fasola (EPFL, Switzerland)
Adaptation of postural strategies during standing in a locked-ankle passive exoskeleton
16h50–17h30 Podium discussion
Promoting the provision and acceptance of assistive technologies

  • Armin Curt, Professor for Paraplegiology at the University of Zurich and Medical Director of the Spinal Cord Injury Center of the Balgrist University Hospital
  • Amit Goffer, President and CTO of UPnRIDE Robotics; founder of ReWalk Robotics
  • Stefan Honegger, Head of Cash and In-Kind Benefits within the Invalidity Insurance Domain at the Swiss Federal Insurance Office
  • Robert Riener, Professor of Sensory-Motor Systems at ETH Zurich and Balgrist University Hospital; inventor and initiator of the CYBATHLON
  • Franziska Ryser, member of the Swiss National Council; doctoral student at ETH Zurich
  • Effy Vayena, Professor of Bioethics at ETH Zurich
17h30–17h35 Closing Words Day 1

CYBATHLON Symposium 2020 Day 2, September 18, 2020

All Times CEST

Time Programme
13h00–13h10 Opening Day 2, including welcome message by Roland Sigrist
13h15–13h55 Cuntai Guan, PhD (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Brain-Computer Interface for brain Function Recovery in Stroke Rehabilitation (KEYNOTE)
14h00–14h15 Short Talk 5: Xiaoxi Wei (Imperial College London, UK)
EEG BCI decoding with deep transfer learning to reduce user training time
14h20–15h00 Antonio Bicchi, PhD (Italian Institute of Technology & University of Pisa, Italy)
From Collaborative Robotics to Prosthetics and Rehab: How Soft Tech is Changing the Game (KEYNOTE)
15h05–15h20 Short Talk 6: Mathilde Legrand (Sorbonne University, France)
Movement-based control of multiple degrees of freedom for upper-limb prostheses
15h25–16h05 Interactive Poster Session (interaction in individual zoom rooms and via Twitter)
16h10–16h50 Helen Huang, PhD (North Carolina State U & U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA)
Neural Control of Robotic Prostheses (KEYNOTE)
16h55–17h10 Short Talk 7: Joost Geeroms (Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium)
Development of the CYBERLEGs X-Leg: Lessons from active prosthetics research
Short Talk 8: Marcello Ienca (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Ethical design in rehabilitation engineering and health technology: moving from theory to practice
17h30–17h35 Closing Words Day 2



September 17, 2020
September 18, 2020
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