Abilitech Medical, Inc

Abilitech Medical, Inc
Business Genre
Short Business Description
Abilitech Medical, Inc. is a medical device company based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The company's vision is to build a suite of products that will revolutionize the way in which clinicians and patients view and treat neuromuscular conditions.
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Abilitech Medical, Inc. is a medical device company based in St Paul, Minnesota. It manufactures a powered hand assistance device that is attached to the user via a vest. It is an innovative solution designed to restore function and independence to those affected by neuromuscular conditions such as multiple sclerosis, spinal muscular atrophy, spinal cord injury, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and brachial plexus injury. These conditions rob patients of their physical strength, independence, and ability to actively engage with their friends and family. The company aims to empower those who live with neuromuscular arm weakness by restoring their independence and improving their quality of life. This product is commercially available.

Business Website Address
7777 Golden Triangle Dr, Suite 225, Eden Prairie, MN 55344 USA
Year Company Founded
Products & Projects

Abilitech™ Assist, a powered orthotic device with shoulder and elbow assist.

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