What good are occupational exoskeletons? What applications do they have, and how can they change how you work or ensure you retire with fewer injuries? Welcome...
If you are into exoskeleton technology, you may have recently seen a few highly polished educational videos with me circling the web. They were popular on...
In the first episode of Exoskeletons and Wearable Robotics, Prof. Thomas “Tom” Sugar and I explored what an exoskeleton is and isn’t. Now, in...
Just what exactly is an exoskeleton anyways?! – reads the title of an article that tries to shed some light on the question all the way back from 2017...
After a four-month hiatus, the Exoskeleton Report Digital Magazine is Back with a new issue, and it is the best yet! Issue 8 is a 20-page publication filled...
How can we make exoskeleton technology more accessible to students and enthusiasts? This article reviews the history and offers a preview of the future of the...
The Canadian company Bionic Power is starting a GoFundMe campaign to produce and donate pediatric powered gait-assist exoskeletons. In Canada and the US alone...
Did you know the United Nations annually celebrates World Day for Safety and Health at Work on April 28!? The theme for this year is ensuring safety and health...
There is a new powered exoskeleton developer on the block. Dnsys offers its consumer hip-exo on the popular crowdfunding website through Thursday, May 16, 2024...
Developing news: ReWalk Robotics, now operating under the name Lifeward, and Ekso Bionics, have both separately announced that the Centers for Medicare &...